In every type of project, including the design and construction of automatic machines, activities of control and verification of work progress are carried out. These are moments in which information is acquired, opinions are exchanged, options are evaluated, possible setbacks are assessed and decisions on possible changes are made. There are two types of reviews: Project status report and Design review (or Project review). Both activities are carried out either in person or through reports sent to the client by the person building the machine.
It is clear that both of these control solutions (through physical presence or on the basis of documentation provided by the manufacturer) have inconveniences: Design reviews in the presence imply the movement of people with related loss of time and high costs, think of machines manufactured in Italy and sent to customers in other continents. At the same time, if the checks are carried out through reports by the person who makes the machine, the person who writes them must be trusted. Nowadays, following the COVID-19 pandemic that has shocked the world, these too, like many other activities, need to be reviewed and re-evaluated on the basis of the difficulties in travelling between countries and in direct relations between people. Technology comes to our aid and nowadays, Design review and Project status report can be carried out remotely with video systems that allow a detailed check and eliminate the possibility of misunderstandings or incomplete/inaccurate reports.
“These verification activities are very important and have implications on project times and costs –explains Fabio Farneti, CEO of Spai, -, and cannot be bypassed or reduced to simple exchanges of documentation on trust. Even in times of COVID the level of attention on these phases of the working process must remain very high”.
It is a planned control that takes place at predefined intervals during the machine’s construction phase. Usually are identified the salient phases in the life of the project, the key moments and it is at those moments that the Project status report is programmed.
The main purpose of the design review is to analyse and investigate a particular aspect of the project under development in order to highlight critical issues. The design review serves to optimise the product in progress.
“Spai offer his support for this activity as a third party between the client and the machine manufacturer– explains Fabio Farneti, Ceo Spai -. We have in-depth technical expertise and operate in all the main languages. The activities that can be carried out remotely, it should be made clear from the very beginning, must be complementary to the documentation that, in any case, must always be done and shared to keep track of the work in progress”.
There are not only advantages, or rather, the conveniences offered by remote activities can, sometimes, lead us to lose the focus or to abuse them to the point of becoming counter-productive.
Photo by Ronald Carreño on Pixabay