In these days there are the first tests of the works carried out by Open Fiber, the company that won the three calls for tenders announced by Mise (Ministry for Economic Development) for the construction of the ultra-wide optical fibre network with FTTH technology (to bring the fibre into homes) and FWA (for wireless access). The tests are carried out by Infratel (the Ministry’s in-house company) and are meant to verify the functioning of the network before proceeding with the sale of the services. What is interesting is the way in which these tests are carried out, renamed “Smart testing“, i.e., remote checks using smart glassess, which allow the technician (in-house) to manage multiple operators located in different geographical areas, optimising timescales, reducing costs and speeding up the entire process. The checking of the state of the network must comply with certain parameters set out in the calls for tenders, so testing requires a very accurate level of detail control. Thanks to smart glasses connected to the Smart Test platform, a single Infratel specialist can collaborate efficiently with multiple operators in the field remotely.
The Smart test platform is born from the Eagle View system. By means of augmented reality, that allows to overlap multimedia information on the images captured by the smart glasses, and live streaming, the test operator in the office interacts with the operator on the site providing every indication. It is also possible to activate conference calls to involve people directly or indirectly interested in the operations.
The technician in the office, through what is framed by the operator, sees the activities in real time following and guiding him/her through the use of the interactive map. The operator in the site has not only smart glasses but also a smartphone with a dedicated app that enables connection, location and data management on site. The glasses connect in Wi-Fi to the smartphone, which in turn uses the mobile network for the transmissions to the server. In this way, video streaming can be enabled on both devices. A solution that allows considerable acceleration in timing.
The entire project provides coverage of about 7 thousand municipalities in digital divide (white areas) with the provision of connectivity services to all operators who wish to do so, such as Tiscali, Vodafone, Wind Tre, etc..
The last generation smart glasses are considerably accelerating remote work processes. With our Help4Tech service, we at SPAI can also provide companies with a system to remotely install, validate and maintain machines.
Source: Ansa
Foto di Андрей Баклан da Pixabay